
Posts Tagged ‘Parecon’

The first ever PPS-UK Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at Cardiff University on Saturday the 21st of February 2009 from 1-5pm. Attendance is warmly welcome by all PPS-UK members and those motivated by Participatory Vision. Participatory Vision, and Parecon in particular, is growing in support globally with chapters springing up in different countries around the world. Given the current worsening economic conditions, continued lack of meaningful participation in the running of our lives, and ongoing oppressions in all areas of social life, the time is ripe for people to hear positive vision for alternative social institutions that foster values that we hold dear rather than trample them. Please go to our website to view the forum thread for more information, suggest content for the event, and signal your attendance: http://ppsuk.org.uk/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=62&func=view&id=638&catid=5 The event will serve two important purposes: 1) AGM: Give us the first proper chance for all (as many as possible) of us to meet up and plan/organise PPSUK’s strategy for the coming year(s)and to work on projects etc. 2) There will be a space for folks to do workshops/talks. The idea here is to give people a chance to practice talks in a friendly ;0) environment but also a great chance to get input on vision in the different areas of participatory society that people are interested in.

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